Thursday, October 20, 2011

Episode 2: Art Movement (Challenge)

From Bravo: "For their second challenge, the artists must use Parkour, a discipline where participants overcome obstacles using only their bodies to move from point A to point B in the most creative and inventive way possible, as their inspiration."

[See the full recap and extras on the Bravo site Here]

Our Challenge: Same challenge!  And let's PLEASE do better than the artists on the show.  They completely missed the mark on this one.  Even Simon de Pury was all, "WTF?!" 
Get inspired by Parkour type movement and make something explosive!  It's all about the movement.

Remember, submissions (1 or 2 photos or a video (link to your video hosted elsewhere like Vimeo or Youtube)) with a small blurb about your final piece are due by 11:00am Monday to lindseysmo(at)gmail(dot)com.

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